Monday, November 15, 2010

Am I an "Untouchable"?

Let's just begin by saying that I don't read blogs, and I sure as heck didn't ever think that I would become a "blogger", but that is a perfect example of why I love going to college!  I love that a class like this has forced me to come out of my comfort zone and do something I would have never done on my own.  This is just one of many topics and worlds I have explored, that I wouldn't have otherwise, because it is part of my coursework.  So now that I am officially a "blogger", I guess it's time to start blogging. (At least for now)

As you might be able to tell from my picture and Youtube links posted, I love action.  Whether it be cars, offroading, boats, atv's, etc.  I think that part of my personality best describes why I have chosen to work in the fields that I have.  When I first dropped out of college at UC Santa Barbara, it's because I got a full time job for the advertising agency that I was interning at.  I was a marketing major at the time, and the world of advertising sucked me in quickly.  It was a creative, fast paced, deadline driven environment that really appealed to my logical side, and my creative side at the same time.  There I was able to help manage clients where I really started to learn my customer service skills.  I also honed my administration skills, and was even able to write creative briefs for several ad campaigns.  The other part that was exciting was working with the creative department on the campaigns, where I was involved in the creative meetings, photo and video shoots, as well as critiques and website design. 

It was at this job that I truly learned that I was what Thomas Friedman would call a "Great Adapter".  Over the years I have worked in marketing, sales, inventory management, and program recruitment.  All of these skills aside from recruitment I learned well working for BMW dealerships.  In my last job as an inventory manager, I had become an expert in sales, marketing, inventory management, customer service, personnel management, vendor management, quality control, web site management, contract negotiation, budgeting, and administration.  I had to learn all of these skills, because I did almost all of these things on a daily basis.  It was necessary for me to adapt to new situations, and learn new things as they came at me, especially when we were going through our staff layoffs.  At my new position, I have had to learn a couple of new skills; recruitment, community outreach, public speaking and networking.  Being able to adapt and to build my skills in many areas has allowed me to stay employed, and have some pretty interesting jobs. 

The only thing I didn't do during all of this adapting time was finish my degree.  So here I am today, becoming a "blogger" for one of my assignments, and by this time next year I can check graduated college from my to do list also.

1 comment:

  1. This is a hilariously awesome action-packed site. Love it! Very unique!
